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Saturday, January 14, 2006 -- 02:59:35 AM
Nobody said it was easy/ oh it's such a shame for us to part/ Nobody said it was easy/ Nobody said it would be so hard... (Lord help me, I'm quoting Coldplay)
Friday, January 13, 2006 -- 10:00:16 PM
You know how it is when you've got a lot of time on your hands, the maw of a three-day weekend yawning before you, and you get an urge to hear songs that you haven't heard since the 5th grade when you were laid up with chicken pox? I've got a paycheck in the bank, I've got access to internet tunes, and I've got a burning desire to hear Sly Fox and the Pet Shop Boys. Let's go all the way, indeed.
Friday, January 13, 2006 -- 07:44:41 AM
Between the two of us, my wife and I broke our mouse playing Collapse II, a Tetris-style puzzle game. Broke the mouse, okay? Left click button: dead. It's like saying we broke the refrigerator door because we opened it too many times, perhaps while glutting ourselves on olives and sugar-free Jello. Mmmm... green.
Friday, January 13, 2006 -- 07:40:42 AM
I'm not totally thrilled about the ending to this little story arc-- it seems a little predictable. But I'm quite confident the new arc starting up on Monday will provide opportunities for novel words and images. Also, we'll see the return of Trebor and Nic in there somewhere, and the continued development of the new Renfield.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006 -- 07:31:40 AM
Flash animated videos can be wonderful things. For instance, the "runaway hit" Walk-Smash-Walk, or The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. These are bits of Internetia that should serve as examples for the rest of us.
Monday, January 09, 2006 -- 07:32:33 AM
This week will be my first full week of work since before Christmas. I am extra motivated to escape into writing and drawing the strip. Funny how that works out.
Friday, January 06, 2006 -- 08:32:05 AM
I'm gearing up to participate in a White Wolf game someone else is running. In the interest of "getting into character," I may be obliged to listen to a lot of Johnny Cash, possibly some Hank Williams. Remember-- Texas swing isn't dead, it's Asleep at the Wheel. (I'll need substantial KMFDM infusions after this.)
Thursday, January 05, 2006 -- 08:46:15 AM
Sleep has restored my sanity. So has blackened catfish and two more episodes from the first season of Lost. Wonder if it's getting close to time for Alas to do an RPG parody...
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 -- 08:13:12 AM
A rousing bout of insomnia last night has me afraid to drink coffee this morning. The only thing remotely cheering me up is having watched cops bust a junkie on the corner outside my house in the wee hours. I'm not normally misanthropic, but if I don't get six hours I develop a grudge against humankind.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 -- 08:12:19 AM
Back to work! Hiyaaaah! File them files, make that coffee, send those e-mails, goof that off (or is it, "off that Goof"-- like a Disney assassin). How many months until King Kong comes out on dvd?
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