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Alas - 2006-01-27
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January 27th, 2006 -- Thwarted by genealogy

Cymry refers to the old Welsh kingdoms. On the off chance you're reading this strip but not a goth/fantasy freak, I'll tell you that Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote a popular Celtic/feminist retelling of the Arthurian legend called Mists of Avalon. Corrie ten Boom, on the other hand, was a member of the Dutch underground during WWII, and spent a turn in the camps at Ravensbruck for hiding Jews. She wrote about her experiences in several books which, while awesome and important, would be less appealing to an eight year old.

Alas would go on to decide that ten Boom was a pretty cool name after all.

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October 28th, 2010

What have I been doing this entire time? I'll tell you: raising a daughter, and learning to draw Celtic knots. That's right.

December 14th, 2009

Okay, strip's up. Little later than I'd like, but what the hey. Wednesday should be back to normal (even though it's gonna be... diff'rent).

December 14th, 2009

There is a strip coming for today... but later. I let the weekend get away with me (had to take the bantling to meet Sinter Klas for the first time), and my telecommuting job is demanding my Monday morning. Fortunately, I'm on a 5 hour time difference from the States, so most of you won't even notice the strip's tardiness. (But the Gopher will notice. Ever watching, ever judging...)

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